Friday, April 15, 2005


What to do, what to do.

I’m about to take the step and rebuild my website (not this blog). I’ve found the right host.

NOW, do I just keep to the basics and just put my help site back up or should I go for broke and do the whole enchilada?

I could do:

My Volvo car stuff (modifications, help and how to stuff)
My wood working stuff
My boat building
My family’s campground
My photography stuff
Multiple message boards on each of the above and a couple others
Help a couple friend’s sites with room to host some of their info

Here’s the dilemma:

If I go with all of the above (would be simple as each could easily be a sub domain of my general domain) then what in the ____ would I call the site?!?!?!

Each of the sub domains would be it’s own name, so no problems there. I just can’t figure what to call the Parent site (aka primary domain).


Any ideas? Jump right in, I need the help! lol


Anonymous said...

I would like to see the lot hosted: ) but easy for me to say : ) and after a fast search i can suggest the following:) (not in any order and availible)
YKAERF.COM and my favourite (and most descriptive)...

Freaky_Frank said...

OOOooooOOOOOOOooooooOOOOOOOO me likes!

Tanx Gum!

Me thinks me likes


Freaky_Frank said...

Yah, I think you're right, SOOOOOOO. I'm thinking of using slang. In the Volvo world, our cars are known as Swedish Bricks. AKA Bricks.

Heck, my beloved 79 245 (wagon for non-brickslingers) is named "The Brick". Can ya guess what color it is??? lol BRICK.

ok, so the amended name to date.


I can see it now.

Anonymous said...

i like it : ) and with a name like that you could become rich selling thousands of tiny lengths of wood ; )

Freaky_Frank said...

There's an idea! lol

Anonymous said...

How about "", Frank.

Love your blog, BTW. Makes me want to start one.