Sunday, April 17, 2005

Off to work

It’s late, too late, and I’m still sitting here trying to gear up to go to work. It’s that time again. Back to the same drive this week, but we may be moving to another town half way through the week if all goes well. Hopefully they’ll get our new rig fixed this week so I get my tail out of the ____ Vector truck. It’s a pain in the rump, LITERALLY! There’s no air ride (seat or otherwise). The clutch is all but gone. The throw-out bearing sounds like a pea thrasher and believe it or not, the fuel gauge is working backwards! F is empty and E if full! Oh ya, and the air doesn’t work. Long story short, I hate it!

Had a good weekend though. It’s been awesome. I’ve gotten to spend quite a lot of time with my family and we’ve gotten some more done on the garden (mostly today).

Today we managed to widen our arch, build the back wall (flower wall for those who don’t know) for the “feature I can‘t tell you about yet”. It’s a four feet tall and has two Don Juan climbing roses planted at it’s base to grow up it and create the flower wall. The wall is actually some steel packaging from a Seadoo crate with some four feet wide rabbit wire tied to it. Built a couple more flower beds here and there. Planted two ‘tree roses’ (regular bush roses pruned to grow as a tree). One on each side of the archway leading into the garden. Planted three more rose bushes here and there in the sunny side of the garden. Oh I almost forgot, Kay built a cool looking “feature I can‘t tell you about yet” flower bed. It’s not planted yet, but knowing her, it will be tomorrow.

Finally got around to mounting our bird feeders. Put her wind chime (that Christina just got her) in the trellised archway. Other than that, we mostly got grunt work done this weekend, but it was very productive.

Next weekend’s garden details are already planned. We’re about to get to do some of the big things we’ve been wanting to do all along. I’d LOVE to list them (actually I’d like to be more specific about the garden all together, but that would spoil the fun. You’re just going to have to wait until it’s to a point that what we’re going for is obvious from a picture, then I’ll show you), but there’s no way to do that without giving away what it is that we’re doing with our garden. I can tell you that there’s no less than seven flower beds planned for this coming weekend (maybe more if time allows) and they’re all big details.

A thought for the week:

Time is perhaps our most over looked currency. We spend it much more often than we save it, and when we do save it, we just end up throwing the savings away.

Off my tail, I must get. Time for a shower, then I’ve got to get the car loaded and head off into the night for the start of another week.

May any who read this have no less than ten great and glorious moments tomorrow. May tomorrow great you as a long lost friend and my grief lose your number.

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