Sunday, April 24, 2005

Off to work

I've not posted much this weekend. I've not taken much time on the puter and what little I have, has been working or yak'n with a friend.

We didn’t get to do all that much on the garden this weekend, but we did manage to take some time here and there in the cold. Most was today.

Planned out the final layout, everything’s certain as to what goes where now. We’re now down to the point that shopping and picking out flowers as we saw things we wanted is about done. We rather enjoy doing that and will continue to, but now it’s time to find the things we really need. Gotta find some “Silver Lace Vine” for the archway, “shell plant (or cork screw vine) for the ‘pergola, a couple varieties of grape vine for their fruit and their awesome looks, “jack-in-the-pulpit” for around the pond, a couple yellow forsyhia, just about every hearty herb we can find, and a couple others.

We did manage to finish both of the raised beds that are the sides of the “one of those features I can‘t tell you about yet”. One side’s planed with “wax begonias” and “Mexican heather”. The other side is built but not planted yet. We ran out of soil, so Kay’ll have to do it this week. In that side will be Salvia and Impatients.

Through the week last week, Kay built another bed and planted the cool “feature I can‘t tell you about yet” bed with peony, diathinus (don’t remember the spelling), “fox gloves”, Carnations, “bachelor buttons, “canterberry bells”. In the new bed (which is several connected small beds in a “feature I can‘t tell you about yet” “snow ball bushes”, various iris and lilies, camillia, “rose of Sharon”, and a lantana. In four “features I can‘t tell you about yet”, she planted four irises.

Still to be plated are some purple and purple verigated petunias. They are destined to go in with the Lupin bed (surrounding the outer edge).

This week Kay’s planning to build my “blue bed” if time and weather allows. I think her major plans for the week are to play with her new chain saw.

This weekend, I’ve got to clear some weeded land below the house to transplant our assorted fruits and veggies. In the process I’m going to clear a little more room for parking (get our spare vehicles (one each) out of the front yard). Then I’m going to clear another section to put up our 24’x 60’ greenhouse. I hope to prep the ground this weekend at least. If time allows, I’d like to layout and place the weed mat and get the uprights set and concreted in. Then sometime soon I’ll have to weld on the roof ‘hoops’ and supports. After that, we’ll have to find a way to buy some polyethylene film for the top. I’ve got some interesting side vents designed and all parts purchased (less than $50 for over $8,000 worth of vents), but I’ll have to build them in place.


It’s that time, I gotta get off’a here and get ready to go to work (luckily only a three hour drive this time).

Thought for the week:
There are always two points of view to any subject. Often one is right and the other is wrong. Just the same though, there is often more than one correct point of view.

(my cousin’s saying)

“Some say a light bulb generates light, which pierces the darkness.
You ‘can’ say that it generates light, which runs off the darkness.
Just as well, you could say that it generates light, which over powers the darkness.
I say there is no such thing as light!
Science would have you believe that darkness is not a thing, but the absences of light.
I say that light is the absence of darkness!
You see, a light bulb doesn’t generate light, it collects (or sucks up) darkrons!
Light bulbs don’t burn out. They get full!
You see, when a bulb collects all the darktrons it can hold, it’s full and can no longer suck up the darktrons in an area, to leave the light which was covered by darkness!
So by my point of view, ‘light bulb‘ is a bad name to call it, perhaps it should be called a darktron collector.”

OK, as I said, there are some subjects which have a correct point of view AND an incorrect point of view. I guess we know which this example is. What’s a good example of either, that either comes to mind, or is a ‘pet peeve’ of yours?

May your week be as grand as any life has to offer,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What about the sun? Does it suck up the night each morning? I love the darktron collectors... the sun is doing its job right now so i have all my darktron collectors off for the moment... :)