Saturday, May 07, 2005

Not Much

Managed to do a little more in the garden today. We didn’t manage to get done what we would have like to have done, but it was rewarding all the same.

We planted two plumbegos in the “blue” bed.
Planted some daisies in with the lilies, as well as some horn wart.
Planted something I can’t pronounce or recall the spelling of in a couple more beds as low level accents. Whatever they are, they have messes of tiny blue flowers.
Planted something else as ground cover in another bed, yet again I can’t recall the name (bought from a road side flower peddler with no tags). It’s purdy just the same.
Planted some marigolds in the cool “feature I can’t tell you about just yet” bed that Kay built a few weeks ago.
Planted some wild strain impatients in the “feature I can’t tell you about yet” with the Iris and lilies already there. I tried some verbena clippings in the same bed last weekend and for now they don’t look too healthy.
Planted one of our hydrangeas and have another to plant tomorrow, behind the blue bed.
Planted two creeping petunias in the corners of our “sea holly” bed.
Sowed snap dragons, lobella , and another that I can’t recall right now, (LOL it’s a theme today!) in another bed.

Laid out the overall design for our tulip bed, but the bulk of the work and the plantings will have to wait until tomorrow. We currently have around forty to fifty various tulips poised to go there as of now. We also have some coleus that we intend to border the bed in.

Other than that, we just added some soil in areas which were in need and watered everything (now becoming quite the time consuming task).

Tomorrow we hope to finish the tulip bed and plant the tulips and coleus, the other hydrangea., two forsythias and start cleaning up some of the debris we’ve left strewn all over the garden.

Then I have to pull some parts off of the Volvo I just purchased and put them on mine and Kay’s cars. At some point, I have a pow wow to go to. I’ve also got to pull the sun visors out of the other parts car and send them off to a guy in another state, who’s been waiting patiently for far too long. Then I need to get some pictures of both parts cars and list them on The Brickboard in hopes of selling some of the un-needed parts (or trading for) to come up with the money for other parts I’ll still need.

1 comment:

Freaky_Frank said...

LOL, there's always room for more! Thank you and have a GREAT day yourself!