Friday, May 27, 2005

What to do, What to do

What to do?

Today I need to head down to the campground, climb up on a renter’s motor home, pull the cover off of his roof mounted air conditioner, get the information off the blower motor and find him a replacement. He’s one of our best renters and he’s no longer capable of doing such things for himself, so I don’t mind in the least. BUT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Provided I can locate a replacement today (will be in Rainsville, an hour and a half away if I do), I need to drive out and get one, come back and install it.

Need to load my generator / welder up and take it an hour away and have it repaired (need it tomorrow).

Need to order a new exhaust for my car (really should be doing that now, but I’m a tight wad and it’ll take me a bit to fork out that kinda cash).

WANT to run to Cullman (2 hours away) and buy a car load of plants. I can get them locally, but not NEARLY as cheap and some need to be matched to plants I already have from the same place.

WANT to run to Centre (30 minutes away) and look at a Volvo 240 for sale……………. OK, we all know I don’t need another car, but for cryin out loud, it’s a Volvo! AND IT’S MOST LIKELY GOING TO BE CHEAP!!

The problem?

There are only 24 hours in a day. NONE of the businesses I need / want to visit are open past 5:00 and it’s 12:00 now! None are open tomorrow! None of the businesses I need / want to visit are even remotely in the same direction, so I need to drive in 5 different directions RIGHT NOW! LOL To top it all off, I’m still poor! Lol

Stay tuned to see how this freak handles this pickle!

1 comment:

Freaky_Frank said...

Well, not quite as well as I'd hoped, but better than I'd expected!
