Sunday, May 08, 2005

Off to work

Well, it’s that time again. I’m not looking forward to it, but it’s time to head off.

We didn’t manage to get anything done in the garden today. Kay and I were both feeling pretty rough this morning and we had a Pow Wow to attend from lunch on. Our tulip bed will have to wait another week.

Had a good time at the Pow Wow, despite not feeling well. Had a ball seeing my Daughter, my Mother and my Grandmother (in her wheel chair) in the dance circle. Christina’s becoming quite proud of our heritage. Sadly, I forgot to take my camera with me, but a dear friend (THANK YOU Dave R.) was extremely thoughtful and took a picture of my Grandmother in the dance, which he later emailed me. We stayed until I was hurting badly enough for people to start asking if I was OK, then we headed home for some rest and traditional remedy (works well, feeling well). Coincidently, this was shortly after the arrival of my Brother and his Wife.

My father was actually fairly calm and decent for most of the day, but I understand that he did blow up at one of their guests after we left. He was even smiling when I had to pick the lock on my Mother’s motor home for her and my Daughter to get in and change out of their hot dance garb. He had run off to who knows where with the key (normally, he’d have blown up with me shouting of how I should have found him first…. We tried. Shockingly, he just grinned and actually chuckled about it).

I did manage to pull some parts from the ’new’ parts car for mine and Kay’s cars. I only managed to install the driver’s door gasket and some minor interior parts on my car. The rest of the parts are sitting in the back seat of the parts car awaiting install next weekend. I did get lucky enough to get the sunroof parts I needed for my car AND Kay’s. I got most of the power mirror parts pulled for my car, the headlight buckets for Kay’s car are pulled and ready to install. Still have to pull the right front marker light for Kay’s car and the left front turn signal for mine. I still need to pull the exhaust (can you believe it has a new OEM exhaust on it???), cruise control parts, a couple window regulators and many, many more parts.

That was pretty much it for today, all in all, I didn’t do much, but I am feeling much better now, so no complaints.

A thought for the week:

We are made up largely of water. We need water to survive. Water is made up of two parts hydrogen to one part oxygen. Hydrogen is in it’s self a high explosive (remember the H-bomb and the Hindenburg!). Oxygen is the primary ingredient in any fire or explosion. These two elements would normally create one massive explosion, but in the two H to one O ratio, we get water, the very thing we use to EXTINGUISH fires! Explosive compounds are generally a bad thing, water is a very good thing. Proof in everyday life that good CAN come from a bad situation. (Or proof that we all have a little explosive capacity in our makeup?)

Have yourself a wonderful week and may your grandest dreams pale in comparison to their fulfillment.



Anonymous said...

Grandma is gorgeous!!

Hope Ms. Kay had a wonderful Mother's Day. Looks like Grandma did.

Glad you're feeling better... don't let yourself get run down. And save some gardening for friends who love doing that sort of stuff and for when they come to visit... HINT, HINT! :)

Anonymous said...

"I didn’t do much"?? : ) You need to come for a visit and let us ozi's show you how not to do much i think : ) didnt do much my lazy australian a$$ : )

Freaky_Frank said...

I will have those days again as soon as I can get our of this dead end job and TRULY go to work for myself. Until then, I gotta release the stress on something. LOL
My best to you and River!!!!!!

Tanx Mystic!! and trust me, there's no way in ____ I'm gonna let ppl work in my garden. You work yur tail off @ home. Relax yur tail off while yur here! (I will let ya plant one plant though ;)
Have a great week Mystic and minisheesh!

Tanx Bonnie. Read the second portion of my reply to Mystic and apply it to yurself! lol
My best to you, W. and all!