Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Another good day. Seems so simple to me.

Good day round here. Had a productive day at work. Only donated a half a pint of blood to the tractors so pretty much eventless.

The day started off good. Jumped in my old truck and she fired right up rarin to go. Had my tea on hand and an extra gallon for the day at work. Twenty some odd miles one way to work can sometimes be a hassle, but this morning was peaceful and nice.

Once at work, a co-worker had me a country fried steak biscuit waiting to be devoured so I 'forced' myself to dig in ;)

The new guy's been pulling his weight and I've been impressed, but today I found out he's pulling the slacker's weight too and I think I need to reward him for it as soon as I get the slacker out of my shop. Got five tractors out myself today, the new guy got out two himself (not counting carrying the bum's weight) and the slacker almost got one diagnosed. My boss is a jerk, but I decided I'd give myself a break today and took it a little slower than usual. Still got plenty done, but tomorrow I'd better not catch me moving slow! lol

In short, today was kinda like a well oiled precision machine. Everyone gets along with everyone else (now that the slacker's booted out to the shed to work) and it just makes for a better day, more productive day and even allows some fun.

You see, we're all VERY different people. I doubt we could stand each other's company for any real length of time outside of work as we don't have squat in common other than loving our jobs. But by simply coming in ready to not only work, but work together and have some fun here and there, our day goes better and things tend to happen the way they should. Not a difficult concept, but something most of the business world today can't seem to grasp. Hard to figure why we're thriving while our competition's going out of business. In fact we bought out our biggest rival last Wednesday.

Do what ya gotta do, but have fun where ya can.

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