Thursday, May 07, 2009

? ? ? Title Me ? ? ?

Here in stillness, forever lies waiting
Holding for moments of clarity's view

Here in the silence plays the music of life
Peacefully playing to a rhythm not new

Look not for me now in the world's happening places
Look not for me ever in fame's many faces

Look not with your eyes if it's sight that you seek
Look not with vision but with your heart's beat

Take up the stage and make it your own
Sing out your joy to grow as it's grown

Hear with your heart
And listen with your soul

See with your mind
If you wish it whole

Life must me lived to call it a life
Rewards are all nothing if not born of strife

To live is to share and to share is to live
To live is to love and to love is to live
To live is to laugh and to laugh is to live
To live is to give joy and to give joy is to live

Life truly is precious, hold on with full might
But share it with friends or it'll never be bright

My wish is for joy
To anyone who should read
The ramblings afore
And the babble beneath

Nothing matters more than what matters most.
What matters most?


maggie said...

"Hear with your heart
And listen with your soul"
You write beautifully Frank!

Freaky_Frank said...

Many thanks Maggie :)

But in all honesty, I only write as I see. It really is nothing special, but rather just not holding back.

I drift to dream often of things which must be seen by others, that I should perhaps one day see for myself. Take yourself. You live in a place I've never seen and for as little as that, it holds enchantment for me as I would hope the daily sights of beauty around you would hold enchantment for you. (And yes, I know you must for it shows in your words).

It's all a journey. I long to travel where time will allow and see creation as God has provided. I have no promise or even much hope of this coming to pass, but I do have the sight of other's lives who choose to share a touch of joy with the world. For this I am eternally grateful to you and others who walk the same path.
