Monday, May 11, 2009

Look behind you

Today the flower that yesterday was the seed.
Today the weed that yesterday was the flower.

Let's take a few steps back into time. I think you might just find it enjoyable if you'll give it a try.

Step back to outdoors being freedom. When we waited anxiously for the weather to allow us back outside where we could have fun without the constraints of the rules of indoor life.

Step back to the joys of the rain and the wonder inspired by watching it splash, drop by drop into the waiting pools who would grow and grow as more and more drops came together.

Step back to the wonder of a bright sunny day. How the world seemed greener than the day before, how the colors of nature seemed brighter than our eyes could fully take in.

Step back to the simple things in life being so much fun. How we could take a few sticks, maybe some rocks, or pretty much whatever and create whatever wonder we dreamed up. Or perhaps how we could just pick up those little meaningless items and create a game that would last all day and winning was the one part we forgot to build into the rules.

Join me here in the yard of yesteryear. Here where dandelions are flowers. Where we can't understand how anything named Dandy and Lion could possibly be a weed. Where we can't understand how our parents don't want us to make those beautiful little umbrellas fly from the dandelion gone to seed, because it will make MORE grow. DUH, and why wouldn't you want more? Those little flowers that mimic the sun, only to turn even more beautiful puffy balls of cottony, airy wonder.

Remember back then? Remember how we couldn't understand that the dandelion could possibly be called a weed? Rember how we wanted so hard to explain to our parents that pretty and weed don't mix?

Hmmm, who was right, the us of yesteryear or the us of today?

Call me childish, I shall count it a compliment. I still see as I saw back then. I still believe now as I did then. I have matured through the years, but have not ceased to be me. I have merely become the mature child I am.

The dandelion is still nature's yard decoration. See it now as then and value it now for it's place in YOUR history.

What is beauty? The you of yesteryear may have the only clear answer.

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